Well and Water Services
Environmental Health Division
The Chippewa County Environmental Health Division wants to remind private well owners about the importance of water quality. Unlike public water supplies, your well is not tested regularly for contaminants. The responsibility for testing lies with the well owner. The only way to assure safe drinking water is by testing.
The Chippewa County Environmental Health Division has water sample bottles available for detection of bacteria. It is recommended that you sample for bacteria. Bottles for this test can be picked up at the Chippewa County Environmental Health Division Office. There are
additional tests that you can collect to help ensure the safety of your water supply. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy Drinking Water Lab has multiple tests available, including arsenic and lead. Link here to be directed to the website: Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy Quality Drinking Water Analysis. State Lab bottles are available by calling the State Lab at 517-335-8184 to order test bottles. Call the Environmental Health Division Offices for more information about what you can test for. Depending on your location or specific drinking water concerns, there are other tests that may be recommended.
The Environmental Services Unit provides the following water protection services:
Inspect and issue permits for Private, Type II, Type III water wells
Monitor public swimming pools, public bathing and numerous private beaches