U.P. M.O.M.
The Upper Peninsula Maternal Opioid Misuse program supports the needs of the whole person allowing women to focus on a healthy pregnancy and wellbeing after birth for both moms and infants.
This program uses a Community Health Worker model to provide support for women who are pregnant and/or up to 12 moths post partum and have a history of, or are currently experiencing, Opioid Use Disorder. Each woman is screened for Social Determinants of Health to identify needs, refer to assistance, and follow the enrolled to remove barriers to health.
Who Qualifies?
-Women who are Pregnant and up to 12 months Post Partum
-Those who have experienced any level of Opioid Use Disorder or treatment
- Resides in OR receives health care services in Chippewa County
Please fill out the Universal Referral Form at www.uphcs.org/upmom or email kkeough@uphcs.org
In Chippewa County, please call us directly at 906-748-7585