Children Special Health Care Services
What is CSHCS?
Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) is a program within the Department of Community Health. To be eligible for this program, children must have a qualifying medical condition and be 20 years old or under. Persons 21 and over with cystic fibrosis or certain blood clotting disorders also may qualify for services.
Services Include:
Coverage and referral for specialty services, based on your child’s health problems.
Family-Centered Services to support you in your role as the primary caretaker of your child.
Community-Based Services to help you care for your child at home and maintain normal routines.
Culturally Competent Services that demonstrate an awareness of cultural differences.
Coordinated Services to pull together the services of many providers who work within different agencies.

Personal and Family Health
Who is eligible for CSHCS?
Several factors decide whether a person is eligible for CSHCS:
Residency: Must be a Michigan resident
Citizenship: Must be a US citizen or documented non-citizen admitted for permanent residence or a non-citizen legally admitted migrant farm worker (i.e. seasonal agricultural worker).
Age: Children must have a qualifying medical condition and be 20 years old or under. Persons 21 and older with cystic fibrosis or certain hereditary blood coagulation disorders (commonly known as hemophilia) may also qualify.
Qualifying Medical condition: A MDCH medical consultant reviews each case to determine eligibility. Severity and chronicity of the person’s condition as well as the need for treatment by a specialist are factors considered. More than 2,500 diagnoses are potentially eligible. Click here for a list of these diagnoses .
How do I apply for CSHCS?
The first step is to ask your specialist to submit a medical record less than one year old. This information can be in the form of a letter or report that fully describes the condition and treatment plan.
Your specialist will need permission to send the medical information to CSHCS. Click here for an Authorization to Release Protected Health Information Form
Click here for a medical eligibility form for your doctor to complete
If the person with special needs has not seen a specialist or you have questions, Contact Chippewa County Health Department at (906) 635-1566 or call the CSHCS Family Phone Line at 1-800-359-3722
Please visit for more information
*There is a fee to join CSHCS. This fee is waived if your child is on Medicaid. This fee is based upon income. Please call the Local Health Department or the Family Phone line (1-800-359-3722) if you have specific questions about this fee.
To view CSHCS Rights & Responsibilities, please click Here!
Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) Program
CSHCS strives to enable individuals with special health care needs to have improved health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life through the appropriate use of the CSHCS system of care.
Our goals are to:
Assist individuals with special health care needs in accessing the broadest possible range of appropriate medical care, health education and supports.
Assure delivery of these services and supports in an accessible, family centered, culturally competent, community-based and coordinated manner.
Promote and incorporate parent/professional collaboration in all aspects of the program.
Remove barriers that prevent individuals with special health care needs form achieving these goals.
Two free, on-line course that explains CSHCS is available through the Department of Community Health course Titled “What is Children’s Special Health Care Services” and another course Titled “CSHCS-Support Parent Training Course” Click Here