Breast & Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program

What Services Are Available Through the Program?
Screening Services
Through these local public health programs, women aged 21-64 can receive screening services, such as:
Pap smears (ages 21-64)
Screening mammograms (ages 40-64)
MRIs - based on client personal and family risk
Diagnostic Services
If a breast and/or cervical abnormality is identified from the screening test/exam, the woman will be referred to community providers for follow-up. Over 75 diagnostic services are provided free of cost through the BC3NP. Some of these include:
Diagnostic mammograms
Breast biopsy
Colposcopy services
Colposcopy-directed biopsy services
Medical consultations
Family Planning women enrolled in the BC3NP are eligible to receive cervical screening and diagnostic services.
Who Is Eligible
The following information MUST be determined PRIOR to enrolling women in BC3NP:
Income: <250% Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
21-64 and requiring cervical screening/diagnostic/treatment services
40-64 and requiring breast screening/diagnostic/treatment services
21-64 and referred to BC3NP with an abnormal screening Pap test OR clinical breast exam which requires breast/cervical diagnostic services
Residency and Citizenship Status: -
Current Michigan resident
Migrant worker
Women living near the border of a neighboring state (Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota) who plan to receive screening and diagnostic services in Michigan.